CEO’s Welcome
CEO’s Welcome
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you the Mulberry Schools Trust website. Founded by Mulberry School for Girls on 1st May 2017, our Multi Academy Trust (MAT) is a flourishing collaboration of schools and partners with a focus on delivering high quality provision for local families in Tower Hamlets and East London.
We have a clear vision that all students who attend one of our schools leave us as highly qualified, confident and articulate young people with a wealth of experience. Our aim is to develop creativity, leadership and a life-long love of learning. This will enable our students to lead enriched, happy and fulfilled lives, making a contribution to their own community, to British society and to global well-being.
I enjoy seeing all of our dedicated and innovative staff teams work with each successive cohort of students to shape the culture and ethos of their schools so that each individual feels empowered and has the opportunity to contribute.
All schools in the Trust benefit from a range of partnerships:
- The Mulberry College of Education, our Teaching School, provides training, professional development and action research in education for teachers, leaders, support staff and governors.
- Mulberry’s well-known arts, enrichment and family and community learning provision is encompassed within the Mulberry College of Arts.
- The Mulberry Schools Foundation is charitable foundation which is in development.
Whether you are considering one of the schools for your child, interested in working with us or you would like to find out more, please explore our website, or feel free to get in touch and we will be happy to speak with you.
Dr Vanessa Ogden
Chief Executive Officer, Mulberry Schools Trust & Headteacher, Mulberry School for Girls