The Women’s Education Office encourages students of all genders to think critically about gender inequality and its personal, national and global impacts; to lead a creative and empowered response to gender inequality; and to work together in a partnership of equals as the leaders of tomorrow. Empowering young people to be leaders and advocates is at the heart of our ethos and we support students in establishing their own feminist societies.
Trust students also have the opportunity to lead and attend conferences on gender equality with many run by the trust, which welcome secondary schools from across the UK. Further enrichment opportunities are opened up through long-standing partnerships with organisations leading innovative work in this area, including the WOW Festival, Women of the Future and Magic Me.
The Trust is proud to support Michelle Obama’s Let Girls Learn campaign, which was launched in the UK at our flagship school in 2015. The Women’s Education Office leads on our pioneering Girl Leading initiative, a residential programme developed in support of Let Girls Learn which offers girls an opportunity to develop their leadership skills.