Entries by admin-trust

Mulberry Schools Foundation

Mulberry Schools Foundation

The Mulberry Schools Trust is establishing as part of its strategy a charitable foundation to support the children, young people, their families and the staff who belong to its schools called The Mulberry Schools Foundation.

The Mulberry Schools Foundation will establish an endowment drawn from the legacy of one of the previous chairs of governors of the founding school, Mulberry School for Girls and some other funds that have been raised. 

Contact us

Contact us Mulberry Schools Trust
Richard Street, Commercial Road
London E1 2JP Registered in England and Wales (Company No. 10035860) Tel: 0207 790 6327Fax: 0207 265 9882Email: admin@mulberryschoolstrust.org Chair of Trustees: Ms. Jane Farrell 
CEO: Dr. Vanessa Ogden 
Director of Governance and Development: Ms. Shanaz Jameson Contact details for the Chair of Trustees and the Chair of the Local Governing Bodies Email: clerk@mulberryschoolstrust.org  […]

Conduct of Trust Business

Our Trust’s Principles At the heart of the Trust’s governing body code of practice of all schools in the Mulberry Schools Trust are the Nolan Seven Principles of Public Life: Selflessness  Integrity  Objectivity  Accountability  Openness  Honesty  Leadership  In addition to commitment and adherence to these principles, it is expected that trustees of the Board or […]

The Company Members

The Company Members  The company members meet once a year for the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Some company members are either on the Trust Board or the LGB of the founding school, Mulberry School for Girls and attend relevant Board and LGB meetings, as well as visiting schools within the Trust. Mulberry Schools Trust Company […]

The Trustees

The Trustees Membership of the Trust Board Jane Farrell (Chair of the Trust Board and Chair of the Mulberry School for Girls LGB) Jane Farrell is a member of the Mulberry Schools Trust and Chair of the Trust board. Ms Farrell is CEO of Equality Works and a successful business woman, as well as the […]


Committees The Trust Board retains close oversight by appointing a range of committees to take responsibility for different areas of work. As well as these committees, each of the schools has its own governing committee, known as a Local Governing Body (LGB). The powers of the Trust Board, its committees and the LGBs and the […]

Trust Board

Trust Board  Mulberry Schools Trust is governed by a skilled Board of Trustees. Under the scheme of delegation the Board is responsible for the vision and strategic direction of the Trust, its financial strategy and efficiency, the appointment of all governors (except staff and parent governors) and the overall performance of Trust schools. The Members […]

Our Vision

Our Vision Our vision is to be a key provider for quality education so that all of our students leave us as highly qualified, confident and articulate young people with a wealth of experience. This vision is under-pinned by moral purpose – a desire to do more to improve the quality of education for all […]

Our History

Our History The Mulberry Schools Trust was formed following the 50th anniversary of Mulberry School for Girls in 2014/15, when the Board of trustees and the Chief Executive created a family of schools that has at its heart inclusion, equality of opportunity and a striving for educational excellence. Mulberry School for Girls, the founding school, […]